Crus Scholar Program for Undergraduate Student Research

Since 2016, the program has provided eligible undergraduate students with a potentially career-enhancing opportunity to work under the guidance of a U of U faculty mentor on a research project of mutual interest. Crus Scholars also receive hourly compensation for their work.

An invitation to apply to become a Crus Scholar is posted three times a year.

Recent Crus Scholars

Jacob Burke

Magnetic Separation of Rare Earth Elements and Critical Elements via Thin Film Device

Mentored by Prof Michael Free

Christian Norman

Flash Joule Heating of Coal for Graphene and Graphite Production

Mentored by Prof Swomitra Mohanty

Kaiyu Hardman

Cost Modeling of New Li-ion Batteries

Mentored by Dr. K. S. Ravi Chandran


Benjamin Schroeder

Efficient Separation of Rare Earth Metals from Aqueous Solution by Mesoporous Substrates

Mentored by Prof York Smith


Paul Cardon

Optimizing High-Voltage, High- Capacity Silicon Electrode Lithium-ion Batteries

Mentored by Dr. K. S. Ravi Chandran


Previous Crus Scholars

Jeremy Baird

3D Printed Electrocatalytic Reactor for Mitigation of Perfluoroalkyl Substances

Mentored by Prof. Sivaraman Guruswamy and Swomitra Mohanty


Jayson Benedict

Low-Cost, Large-Scale Metal Recovery from Electronic Waste to Enhance Recycling and Reduce Environmental Impact 

Mentored by Prof. Michael Free


Olivia Dale

Limiting the Corrosion Rate in Chloride-Based Salts for Solar Thermal Applications

Mentored by Prof. Michael Simpson

Casey Elliott

Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes for Water Filtration

Mentored by Dr. Krista Carlson

Jano Farah

Titanium Dioxide Nanotube Functionalization for Tuberculosis Diagnostics

Mentored by Prof. Swomitra Mohanty

Jerry Howard

Quick-Setting, Inorganic Pulp Capping Cements Made from Calcium Phosphate and Sodium
Silicate Glasses / Corrosion Resistant Metallic Glass Anodes for Pyroprocessing

Mentored by Prof. Krista Carlson

Tanner Livingston

Characterization of the Surface Chemical Properties of Gold-containing Auriferous Sulfides

Mentored by Dr. York Smith

Tristan Lundgreen

Characterization of the surface chemical properties of gold-containing auriferous sulfides

Mentored by Prof. Jan Miller

Alec Mittelstadt

Reducing Waste and Minimizing Cost at the Crus Center

Mentored by Dr. Krista Carlson

Ruben Ochoa

Recovery of Valuable Materials from Waste Lithium-Ion Batteries:
A Program for Community-Wide LIB Collection

Mentored by Prof. York Smith

Olivia Pratt

Development of Sensor Technology for Food Safety

Mentored by Dr. Mano Misra

Alexander Reifsnyder

Gas Filtration Using Aerogels / Formation of Interconnected Porosity Aerogels for Use As Filtration Membranes of Volatile Iodine

Mentored by Dr. Krista Carlson

Ashley Timmerman

Low-cost Water Filtration Systems for Removing Heavy Metals / Sensors to Detect Pharmaceuticals in Water

Mentored by Prof. Krista Carlson and Prof. Swomitra Mohanty

Jenna Young

Setting Properties of Calcium Phosphate Microspheres for Vital Pulp Therapy

Mentored by Dr. Krista Carlson